October 2017


Hope everybody had a great time at our opening tournament of the season. Amazing turn-out, and great level!


Division A1

    1. Artur Bialek

    2. Joris Szulc

    3. Michal Korycki

    4. Sejla Fazlic

Division A2

    1. Krzysztof Ring

    2. Marek Grala

Division B1

    1. Piotr Wojtasik

    2. Alan Dodd

Division B2

    1. Ireneusz Zalewski

    2. Paul Zamfir

You can find more detailed results from group and KO stages in the PDF file below (coming soon)


Semi-final: Noa Zibrat vs. John Smith

Final: Dariusz Zatylny vs. Noa Zibrat


Please see our Facebook gallery for photos